On November 1st, I decided to give thanks every day till Thanksgiving. Mind you it was a public declaration of Thanksgiving to God. I began on my Facebook page telling what I was thankful for that day. I had determined that I didn't want to simply mention all the things I should be thankful for but something I had experienced appreciating each day. It wasn't as easy as just naming off things from a list All it required from me was to was stop all my doings, take a moment and reflect about my day and interactions with life. Every time I would feel at an immediate loss. But, I found as I continued in this reflecting modefiling through the zillion common ordinary seconds that suddenly something would stand out that had stirred thankfulness. Some days it was somewhat profound but often it was just so very simple. Like our first cold snap of the year! I had been away from my apartment all day with the cold wind nipping at every part of me it could! I can't tell you how wonderful it felt when I opened my door to all the warmth of yes, my empty apartment. I thought of some who might be under a bridge somewhere on a cardboard pallet. I thought of another kind of coldness called hatred and the warmth of kind hearts.It has just occurred to me how it takes a negative to show the value of a positive. There is probably something mathematical to be said about that but I don't know what it is.However I do know something in the bible that goes along this line for a christian and was of course written way long before Jason Mraz had his realization that life can be wonderful. But a deeper truth is found inRomans 8:28New Living Translation : And
we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of
those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Anyway over these past28 days that I have made a point to find something I am thankful for I have noticed also how good it feels to share that with others. We are all reminded. They say it takes 3 months to form a new habit and I hope to make daily thanksgiving a habitual thing in my life. You might think that articulating consciously true thankfulnesson a daily basis might be troublesome. But most often at the end of the day when you search through the happenings of the day it will just pop into your mind. Thank God for it out loud or write it when you do or both! How many times a day do we feel appreciation as we revel in the warm fuzzies of life but don't express thankfulness. Maybe you can give it a trial. And, happy thanksgiving, no matter what day it is.
You can find great relief in times of anguish and depression. This will work for the one who does it. Simply take a sheet of paper and list all the things you DON'T LIKE about your life. List everything that comes to your mind. THEN! Turn the page over and begin to list everything you LIKE in life. Things you
are thankful for. As days go by you will find things that need to be
added to this list of positive things in your life. These things can be
anything and nothing is silly! This is no one's business but yours. This is YOUR list. This next part is important. Make a habit of reading over all you like about life.Don't even turn the sheet to the other side. Only read the good things in your life.
Never read the list of negatives.
ONLY read over the list of things you feel good about. The positive list.
On my positive list I remember very well some things I listed; the beautiful blue sky, the birds flying across it, all of nature, and also people I was thankful for. Things just began to come to me as the days went by and I added to my good list. I kept my list with me at all times. You must too. I kept it face up on the dash of my car. I read it often. FIND THE GOOD THING TO DO AND DO IT! Go ahead do it right now =))
What I say on this blog is based on personal experience. I have been brought through by the grace and help of God sometimes through other people like counselors, speakers, writers, many, many hours of being in the trenches, stumbling, falling, getting back up. Being victimized by life feels pretty awful but what I have learned is through Christ we have the victory. Victims become Victors! This is my hope and my prayer for any who read this blog.
Recently I have been
reminded that although life entails its' moments or maybe even years of
victimization by some ego centric person that crossed your path or a very negative situation...and even
though terrible acts may have been committed against you, if you are out
of the situation don't allow yourself to continue to be the victim! Think of yourself as a recovering person who was victimized.
Yes, you may have months or even years of processing and healing but you are no longer in the situation and are not a victim. There are many, many things we can be victimized by. Family violence, alcoholism, drug abuse, unfaithful spouse, a deadbeat parent, even as a result of poverty JUST TO NAME A FEW OF THE VERY COMMON ONES.
Perhaps you are the victim of sexual
harassment or bullying at work or at school. If these things are
happening or have happened in your life the first act of a person who
refuses to be victimized is for you to make an outcry to someone. If you
are in school make an outcry to an official at school like your school counselor, a teacher, or the police. If you are at
work, take a stand. Write a letter and give it to someone in higher
authority in your company but if the act is criminal as in sexual
assault or assault, terrorizing, or stalking, tell the police in your
Once these things are brought to the light and stopped then you can be on your way to recovery. A recovering victim. Sometimes help in your recovery process seems hard to find but it is there through seeking wise counselors, prayer, and joining a church group under strong leadership. People are victimized in life and it is important that we recognize it is an awful thing. There is great need for wise counsel and healing but it is important for thosewho
experience the different types of victimization to see themselves in a
different light. Don't see yourself as a victim but instead do something
proactive about it. There are legal ways to do this and that is what I
am suggesting. I believe there is ALWAYS something that can be done.
Don't just roll over and take it. Once
you experience standing on very shaky legs and getting yourself out
from under the victimizer the next best thing you can do for yourself is
declaring to yourself, "I AM NO LONGER A VICTIM!" I believe there are
many people who although they are no longer in the situation still wear
the mindset of a victim. Some find this to be there new COMFORT ZONE but
no matter how UNCOMFORTABLE it may feel you must discard the old and
put on the new!
I just want to add that there are indeed horrific acts against victims that I won't even name. Much compassion and prayer go out for all having experienced such criminal acts. It takes great courage and resolve to stand, to pursue healing, and to recover in these situations. In no way do I over simplify your recovery or experience. I do say to you there is hope and your pain and your greatest tragedy can become a catalyst for your greatest strength.
IT IS INCREDIBLEthe things people throw away. Putting pride aside I confess that when I see something useful to me in someone's trash, I will stop and do my best to get it in my car. Sometimes even on top of my trunk thanks to a luggage rack back there. As I returned from one such finding trip I was very conscience of something I was hearing on the inside. I heard distinctly that,"Yes, it is amazing the things that people throw away! Sometimes hard to believe.But the items thrown out aren't any less valuable merely because they are sitting at the curb. A perfect, oak, drop leaf table is a perfect, oak, drop leaf table in the store or on the roadside! Then, I got the curve ball. Didn't have a clue what was coming as the Holy Spirit continued on this line of reasoning--"Sometimes people throw other people away." Yes, surprisingly and saddest of all things, they throw away even family. I was about to receive the lesson God wanted me to receive,"And those people that get thrown away are no less valuable than those which have been kept by others." "PEOPLE DON'T LOSE THEIR INTRINSIC VALUE JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE THROWS THEM AWAY!" If you are someone who has experienced that feeling of having been thrown away in divorce or abandonment, or you know someone who has likely had such an experience this lesson is for you as well.
Though you may feel less than or not as good as it is just not true. Whether you are a child, a spouse, a parent, sibling or friend, your value far exceeds that perfect oak drop leaf table or any treasure you might imagine. In fact you are cherished and treasured by the Creator of the universe and Father God Himself. There are quite a fewthrow away people out there. Don't sell anyone short. Including yourself!