“But Christ has blessed you with the Holy Spirit.” 1 John 2:27
How then is there such division in the Body of Christ?
Only the Holy Spirit has perfect Truth. This is my basis for having a willingness to listen to different ministers of the word from different denominations in particular in the Body of Christ, realizing that one who may have some truths may be in error in something else. How can this be in those guided by the Holy Spirit of God? Division is caused and confusion and an often total disconnect in the world wide Body of Christ between denominations. So, what is the truth? Hear the word of the Lord God: For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. (1 Cor 14:33)
We Are All On The Same Side, Aren't We?
Come let us reason together. If God himself speaks this to us as in the following: Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; ( Isaiah 1:18) Surely we are called to reason in all things concerning the word of truth and to do so in peace. The spirit of love and peace does not turn on those of other or even the same denomination in ridicule and hatred with an attitude to destroy. We are all on the same side and God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are on the throne. Remember James 1:20 says:
for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.
Another basis in the bible for seeking the truth in the Holy Spirit is that we are instructed to test the spirit and to also ask the Holy Spirit to guide us into his truth. Are we afraid to listen with the Holy Spirit as our Guide? What does the following verse say to you? Hear the word of the Lord:
1st John 2:27 But Christ has blessed you with the Holy Spirit. Now the Spirit stays in you, and you don't need any teachers. The Spirit is truthful and teaches you everything. So stay one in your heart with Christ, just as the Spirit has taught you to do.
Find many bible translations of each scripture for yourself here:
Welcome the process of being guided by the Holy Spirit into His Truth, welcome the Holy Spirit.
Be a lover of the Truth of God. Be a student of the Bible. Be a seeker of God's Truth not of your own truth, God's Truth, not the Truth of one particular sect of the Body of Christ which can render you dogmatic. Seek to be guided by the Holy Spirit of God, which as the word says, will lead you into truth. Not a preacher, a bishop, a priest, but the Holy Spirit.
NO! I am saying let the Holy Spirit of God reign supreme above all most important as the one who gives you the truth! After all, it is HIS TRUTH!
Prove The Spirits
Prove The Spirits
We are admonished in 2 Timothy 2:15 to: Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.
* We are further admonished to test the spirits in 1st John 4:1 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Only the Holy Spirit has the complete Truth. He will help you to discern God’s Truth and teachers of truth. Even when they may go off the path of truth! Above all in this process let the love of God be ruling foremost in your spirit!
Believing you have the corner on Truth is dogma whether you are one person or a religious group or sect. This is why we as blood bought christians, those who profess to be followers of Christ Jesus our Lord are greatly DIVIDED!
Perfect love casts out fear. Love one another. Love the Truth, not lies, not comfort, not accommodation of sin. even if it is a law of the tradition of an organization that does not adhere to bible truth. Be a seeker of the Truth of God guided by the Holy Spirit as you test the spirits on this earth professing to have and expound Truth. Whose truth do we want anyway?
Remember, we are all ever growing or we are becoming stagnant.
Why would we allow ourselves to be molded into a particular church doctrine that if we look into the word is not in the truth? And, rather than change the error seek to change or disallow what the word of truth teaches by the guidance of the Holy Spirit which is given to believers.
What is this? Are these followers of Christ Jesus in truth? What are these following?
Don’t Be Lazy.
Open your mind and heart to the Holy Spirit as you read the Bible. Don’t seek your own truth, or a certain doctrinal teaching. Seek the truth of God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit, reason with the many bible scholars in the printed word, as well as those who are teaching on many subjects of the Bible in pulpits of various sorts, to include the many videos available to you free online. Being very careful to not get out of step with the Holy Spirit but embrace his voice as you ask for his truth in the matter as you test the spirits.
Open your mind and heart to the Holy Spirit as you read the Bible. Don’t seek your own truth, or a certain doctrinal teaching. Seek the truth of God through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. With the Holy Spirit, reason with the many bible scholars in the printed word, as well as those who are teaching on many subjects of the Bible in pulpits of various sorts, to include the many videos available to you free online. Being very careful to not get out of step with the Holy Spirit but embrace his voice as you ask for his truth in the matter as you test the spirits.
Don’t give yourself in to any dogma or cult thinking. In God there is no room for dogma, or cult thinking which does not elevate the Living God, it only elevates that person or an organization in a lie. The lie? That unless you are a follower of our church doctrine you are on the outside. You have not quite entered in. No place is that written except in their own church laws developed in a lie. It is a heresy of ego imposed long ago. Love for the Body of Christ in truth is not present, only for that sect of ‘believers’.
The Truth of God must reign higher than lies and any false doctrine. How can this be promoted?
Many examples of false doctrine could be easily pointed out, but to what end? The purpose of this article is to say, if the Holy Spirit lives in you, ask him to guide you into his truth, not man’s doctrine or tradition.
Those things are no substitute for God’s truth which he will open up to you for the good of the entire Body of Christ, true believers, seekers of the Truth of God, nestled in the many imperfect church groups throughout the world, don’t settle for falsehoods that divide the Body of Christ.
Those things are no substitute for God’s truth which he will open up to you for the good of the entire Body of Christ, true believers, seekers of the Truth of God, nestled in the many imperfect church groups throughout the world, don’t settle for falsehoods that divide the Body of Christ.
1st Corinthians Chapter 13 known as the place in the bible where God's love is well defined for us. A perfect God laid out the highest order for his people to be LOVE. Faith, hope and love, and the greatest is LOVE. He made certain we have an understanding of the love he speaks of. If a believer really desires to follow Jesus Christ they will want to understand this. As a matter of fact it is written in 1 John 4:7-8 Beloved, let us love one another for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
Go here for the full text about LOVE. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into more truth as you read and meditate:
A Word Of Caution
Be a truth seeker. Seek God's truth, his revelation, not your own.
I repeat, be aware of your own ego when seeking truth and desire God's truth, not your own. As you seek the truth continually remind yourself and God in humility that you seek his truth and not your own.
We don't have all the answers but a Living God does.
Here is a link to a free Audio Bible. It is a great study help.
May the love of God and for God reign in your heart and be spread abroad. Holy Spirit of God I ask that You help us more and more every day to operate in love, in Jesus name I pray for all of the church, your church Lord, the Bride of Christ, the Body of Christ. Amen.
A Word Of Caution
Be a truth seeker. Seek God's truth, his revelation, not your own.
I repeat, be aware of your own ego when seeking truth and desire God's truth, not your own. As you seek the truth continually remind yourself and God in humility that you seek his truth and not your own.
We don't have all the answers but a Living God does.
Here is a link to a free Audio Bible. It is a great study help.
May the love of God and for God reign in your heart and be spread abroad. Holy Spirit of God I ask that You help us more and more every day to operate in love, in Jesus name I pray for all of the church, your church Lord, the Bride of Christ, the Body of Christ. Amen.