'Don't let it be forgot
That once there was a spot
For one brief shining moment
That was known as Camelot.'
I have learned that Camelot is not a physical place but, moments in time in many ordinary places and some extraordinary places. You can experience Camelot in the midst of joy in a rocking chair reading a story book.
It can even be discovered in the midst of sorrow and chaos through pure goodness expressed through another human being.
It can even be discovered in the midst of sorrow and chaos through pure goodness expressed through another human being.
True Camelot is revealed to seekers who look at the greater picture for it is not one brief shining moment, rather a lifetime of shining moments, some that exist within us already, and many that
are to come.
are to come.
Reflect on the beauty of your life and look forward and recognize the moments of Camelot that are to come. Some experience shining moments of the past without realizing they are to be found in the presence of today as well as tomorrow, not just yesterday. This failure to acknowledge a whole universe of Camelots swirling toward them causes a breakdown in their life system. And so they are consumed by the terrible sadness that they cling to.
They fear by letting go that a beautiful part of living dies but, it is not so. To let go of the sadness is to allow the beauty of all the moments in time of the Camelots past, present, and those to come to shine ever so beautifully, and with unparalleled contentment within. Isn't that what Camelot is? Beautiful, unparalleled contentment?
In the following the error is corrected. It is a beautiful gift of direction from the bible:
Finally, brothers & sisters, whatever things are true, whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Philippians 4:8
And so, here and now re-penned:
“Don't let it be forgot
That forever in your heart,
There are many shining moments
That are known as Camelot.”
Father God.
Thank you for being faithful to preach the gospel to the poor;
to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives,
and recovering of sight to the blind, and for being faithful
to set at liberty them that are bruised... Luke 4:18
And I pray fervently that you minister these things to the reader who happens here.
From one of these.
Linda Dulin December 2018
Linda Dulin December 2018