Monday, August 29, 2016

Maggot infested with a nasty smell?

Maybe we should listen to God.
For example: 
(Found in Exodus 16)
 The children of Israel were out in the middle of the desert and had no food. God, in his role as Provider faithfully sent down manna in the morning with instruction not to take more than an allotted serving per person for 1 day. It was measured. 
Some did not follow God's instruction and they went out and gathered more to keep overnight. By morning the manna they had gathered disobediently was infested with maggots and smelled awful! What a gross surprise! They had a mess on their hands and it was NOT a beautiful mess.
 Now, on the 6th day God told them to collect enough for the 7th day as well for that would be for the Sabbath. In this case the saved portion was fine. The next morning this day old manna was maggot free and no nasty stench! It was blessed by God and due to obedience they reaped the blessing. God instructed them also to stay in and go nowhere on that rest. Is this about what portions you eat or resting up? Don't you miss the mark on this message. It is about doing things God's way! 

Be obedient unless you are willing to live with maggots infesting your life! Life will be a stench that YOU will be sickened by. It will be evident. Don't be self-willed placing yourself above God, be God willed. God knows best . We are always learning what God's instruction is and we with Paul say, "I die daily".  Are we better than Paul? Stop wasting your time. Live to Christ. 
As somewhat a side note, respectfully speaking, many people don't take a day of rest weekly as God instructs. They wind up over stressed to the detriment of their health! Even in the Genesis account of creation God provided for Himself, and included a day of rest in the cycle of creation. YOUR regularly scheduled day of rest. Do you know better than God? In in the tablets of the 10 commandments the Sabbath (I really don't think it matters what day of the week, but that there IS a Sabbath rest.) Obedience is worship and reverence to God, isn't it? And enter into that promised rest. This does not mean you get a rest from obedience to God. This is the rest we enter into when we are obedient!
 Come, let us reason together in Christian love. Selah.

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