Thursday, December 26, 2013


2014 and Forever

Dear God, It would be easy to hide our heads in the sand in the tumult of society of the world. Help us Lord to be the people You want us to be for all the children of the world, our children, our grandchildren and their grandchildren and on and on until Jesus returns for Your church, the world-wide body of Christ that transcends time and mortal life.

We KNOW Lord that the greatest commandment is love and we KNOW that we must not exchange the truth for lies. That would not be love. Raise up your children who can and will continue to speak the truth in love and heaven help us all to LOVE truth. and to know that Jesus came to set all CAPTIVES free. Open the eyes and ears of our understanding that we know the truth -- God's truth -- and the truth will set us free. Let our motive be to love each other, to love our Creator and His truth.

In the name of Jesus, Your only begotten son, who came to earth with the purpose to die for the sin of all mankind, forever. Amen.

 For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
Romans 1:24-26 (in Context) Romans 1

Aren't we the creature? Struggling to Please and serve ourselves rather than our Creator?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

ONE STRAW AT A TIME ~ Dealing With Depression

      Amid the songs, the parties, the food, and gift giving of Christmas many people have a fight on their hands. They walk among the crowds in the malls and supermarkets and sometimes they look very much like you. The fight I refer to is one with depression. Some have developed skills that mask their battle while others may sadly become debilitated. Then there are others that meet depression head on with a hope that only comes from faith in God. 
     Whichever the case these all have a fight on their hands. Christmas becomes a struggle and every difficult thing becomes magnified or another straw on the camels back. Need a gift to give this season? Reach inside yourself and give kindness.  Kindness is an expression of love and love never fails. That's something you can have faith in even if you never see or feel the direct results of it.
     People need a reason to smile and you and I can be that reason. Lighten the load one straw at a time. Be kind to one another. It can make all the difference in the world. 
From My Empty Nest: