Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sometimes we are dealt discouraging blows in life. Take heart! This will help!!

Are you confused? Forlorn? Feel as though you have lost your way, your joy, your strength and clarity? Perhaps you even feel like you just don't live up to what the world demands, like you just aren't good enough? Maybe like you are not good looking enough? Not rich enough? Or successful enough? Do you just plain feel like you don't have what it takes? 

Most surely the world has dealt its discouraging blows to every good and beautiful thing you had. Though you may feel alone and separate know that NOTHING can separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Read this and agree with it in your mind even though it seems too hard. Just agree with it and and make an outcry to God as you agree. I guarantee God in the Holy Spirit will come on the scene. His good and perfect word by His Spirit will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.  Sometimes we suffer but take heart, God has overcome the world and God IS FOR US!

Colossians Chapter 3

Put on the New Self
1Therefore, if you be risen with Christ, seek the things that are above; where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God: 2Mind the things that are above, not the things that are upon the earth. 3For you are dead; and your life is hid with Christ in God. 4When Christ shall appear, who is your life, then you also shall appear with him in glory.
5Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, lust, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is the service of idols. 6For which things the wrath of God cometh upon the children of unbelief, 7In which you also walked some time, when you lived in them. 8But now put you also all away: anger, indignation, malice, blasphemy, filthy speech out of your mouth. 9Lie not one to another: stripping yourselves of the old man with his deeds, 10And putting on the new, him who is renewed unto knowledge, according to the image of him that created him. 11Where there is neither Gentile nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian nor Scythian, bond nor free. But Christ is all, and in all.
12Put ye on therefore, as the elect of God, holy, and beloved, the bowels of mercy, benignity, humility, modesty, patience: 13Bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if any have a complaint against another: even as the Lord hath forgiven you, so do you also. 14But above all these things have charity, which is the bond of perfection: 15And let the peace of Christ rejoice in your hearts, wherein also you are called in one body: and be ye thankful. 16Let the word of Christ dwell in you abundantly, in all wisdom: teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles, singing in grace in your hearts to God. 17All whatsoever you do in word or in work, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.

 Hallelujah and Amen!  

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