Friday, August 25, 2023

Some people don't have a clue. Do you?

Some people don't have a clue. They just bounce around captive in their own limited mindset. Don't get upset by them. Aren't they simply annoying children wanting ALL the attention and control they can get in this world? Until the spirit that controls them is defeated they will stumble through life appearing perfect on the outside and tormented by their prevailing wickedness that is being fed. But God.

Remember the greatest of these is love. We are called to love like Jesus did and still does. Jesus didn't only love those he liked. We are called to love others the way we love our selves.

Love will pray earnestly for them. But maybe you are not ruled by the commandments of God and what he calls us to do. Maybe you are ruled by your self filled notions of right and only use the name of Jesus to be somehow righteous or to again, make yourself right. Nope. That won't work. Get your own heart right with Jesus. You must be born again. That will include dying to yourself, daily, and living to God instead.

Jesus came to set the captive free. 

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